You find a box of crackers in your pantry that's past its best before date — do you eat it? While in many cases, expiry dates are important indicators of how safe the food is to consume, but with some foods it's more of a guideline. Here are some foods that are likely good to eat past the expiration date. Jul 12, 2008 - Anyway, we had some crackers that had been sealed in some large cans, kind. Well, they get stale, and they have an expiration date so yes. How can the answer be improved?
Best Answer: no the main reason for expiration dates is so you know when it was produced and so that stores rotate their stock and ensure that they purchase more product after a while even if they don't sell much of it. I mean look at a bottle of water. They actually try to make you think that a sealed bottle of water will go bad. Where's the sense in that? As a rule of thumb, if it looks okay, smells ok and has only recenlty expired, then it's probably still good, but if you have the slightest doubt, then throw it out. Of course u will be no problem.if u feel unwell after eating tat crackers, tat might mainly cos by physcological problem.teorictically it is safe from microbiological aspect to consume tat poisoning is mainly cause by pathogen which contaminated food.usually this pathogen will not found in food if it is correctly and safely being produced. Block launcher beta apk. U will found expire cracker not so crunchy as compare with fresh one cos the cracker will absorb moisture just starting from it is being make.something which might concern is d growing of fungi as water activity being increase.however usually water activity is low in baked cracker.
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